
Poem ~ Spy's and Doomscrolling

I open my phone and guide it towards the news website

New article 1: Booby trapped pagers kill 20

If this was a spy movie people on Reddit would say it's unbelievable

But this isn't a spy movie and people died

I exit the news website

I open the YouTube app

Video number 1: 10 things to do instead of doom scrolling

I watch this and have a brief moment where I believe I will stop the doom scrolling I will stop the doom

I close the YouTube app

I lock my phone.





I open my phone

Read the message

I open the news website

Article number 2: exploding walkie talkies kill 14.

More spy shit

More doom

I put my phone away

I load Netflix on the TV


I watch the latest Jason Statham spy movie

It's nice to watch the good guys win.